Secularization of religion / 宗教の世俗化

What is the meaning of the secularization of religion?


There might be a variety of interpretation. Religion is losing its spirituality, the original nature of religion, losing sight of the fundamental message, and so on.


I want to share my interpretation from the viewpoint of religious community. It stands that the religious community focuses mainly on internal governance, management, and dissemination activities, etc. By so doing, it loses the above mentioned critical values gradually and unconsciously, I think.


Therefore, people of faith always need to ask the following questions:

What is the raisin d’etre of religion?

What are the ultimate common messages of religions?

How we should live as people of faith and religion?





Religion doesn’t exist for oneself but for others, too.

All religions teach that we human beings shall love others, including neighbors, enemies, without anyone left behind.

We should live our daily lives as the followers of God and Buddha.




Therefore, we shall always challenge to erase, go beyond boundaries between myself and others, our countries and other countries, as well as our religious communities and other religious communities.


Through these challenges, we cant free ourselves from secularization, I believe.


Author: Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Masahiro Nemoto

根本信博(昌廣)、博士(国際貢献)東京大学 (宗教法人)立正佼成会参務、(公益財団法人)日本国際連合協会理事、(一般社団法人)ACRP(アジア宗教者平和会議)特別顧問 福島県いわき市生まれ。 1977年、立正佼成会学林セミナリー入林。 1980年以降現在に至るまで、以下を歴任。 IARF(国際自由宗教連盟)フランクフルト事務局員、UNHCR(国連難民高等弁務官)ジュネーブ本部職員、立正佼成会土浦教会長、神戸教会長、外務部長、理事、一食平和基金運営委員会委員長、(公益財団法人)WCRP(世界宗教者平和会議)日本委員会理事、難民問題、東日本大震災、人身取引各タスクフォース運営委員長、ACRP事務総長、(国連経済社会理事会NGO)Religions for Peace(平和のための宗教)副事務総長、(認定非営利活動法人)JEN共同代表理事等。 これまで、ベトナム・カンボジア・クルド・ソマリア・旧ユーゴスラビア・アフガニスタン難民等の救援活動、阪神淡路大震災、東日本大震災救援活動等に従事。 Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Masahiro Nemoto. Ph.D. in Human Security Studies, University of Tokyo. Emeritus Trustee of Risso Kosei-kai(RKK), Board member of United Nations Association of Japan, Special Advisor for Religions for Peace Asia(ACRP). He was born at Iwaki-city of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. In 1977, he entered the seminary of RKK. Since 1980 up to now, he has held the following positions: Liaison officer at IARF (International Association of Religious Freedom) secretariat in Frankfurt, Germany, Program officer at the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in Geneva, Director of RKK External Affairs Department, Minister of RKK Tsuchiura and Kobe Dharma centers. Chair of RKK's “Donate A Meal Peace Fund”, Board member of RKK, Board member of Religons for Peace Japan, Head of Task Forces for Refugee Assistance, East Japan Great Earthquake, Human Trafficking, Secretary General of ACRP, Deputy Secretary General of Religions for Peace International, Co-president of NPO JEN (Japan Emergency NGO) etc. So far, he has engaged in the assistance activities for the refugees of Vietnam, Cambodia, Kurd, Somalia, former Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan, etc. He also engaged in the emergency relief actions for Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake, EastJapan Great Earthquake, and so on.

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