Undonditional Sharing / 惜しみない分かち合い


All religions encourage us to share whatever we have, such as money, asset, knowledge, wisdom, compassion, experience, and so on.  Sharing joy multiplies joy, and sharing sorrow mitigates sorrow.


However, we human beings tend to monopoly what we want to possess and have, namely, material property, financial asset, honor, privilege, social position and title, etc.  Such an attitude arises from the self-centered or selfish pursuit of one’s own desire or greed.


In this sense, religiousity or spirituality plays a vital role in controlling one’s greed because religiousity or spirituality is deeply rooted in the opposite values of selfish desire or greed,  such as non-discriminative love and compassion, equity, genuine sharing, selflessness, etc.


The highest hurdle in practicing such a generous sharing seems to exist in the spare space between theory and implementation.  How can we put our theoretical understanding into practice in our daily living?  How can people of faith and religion realize the ideals shown to us by God and Buddha in this world?  What do we need to do it?


I think courage, seriousness, passion, eagerness, resolution are the least required conditions to live on unlimited sharing.  Unconditional sharing seems almost impossible, though. However, if I at least challenge to do it from myself even in the smallest way, I might be able to change a small corner of the world, so I say to myslef.


Although I may be criticized as being too optimistic, I opt for this way of living as I don’t want to waste my precious life by being too pessimistic, and taking no action.




Communication with close persons / 身近な人とのコミュニケーション


Everyone knows the importance of communication with close persons around oneself, such as family members, co-workers, classmates, and so on.  However, such communication might be rather difficult than the one with others. Because we tend to be too much feel free to or less restraint to each other due to the closeness.


Even if we are in the closest relationship, such as husband and wife or parent and child, we should show some respect to each other, I believe.   Otherwise, we cannot keep a healthy relationship with our closest people.


I have often had a bitter experience that I smiled and talked to others nicely but not to my family members in a similar manner.  If I can succeed to have a healthy and nice communication to those close around me,  I would keep good communication with others in my life.


I think even miscommunication is better than dis-communication.  Because the miscommunication is generated by communication, whereas dis-communication is a lack of communication.  Without communication, we humans cannot coexist with each other.  No one can exist by being isolated from others.  Communication is the least required action for everyone to live one’s life on earth.


Let us start our sincere communication and dialogue with the closest people around us.  It is a first step toward the coexistence among humanity, I believe.


夢は現実になるか?/ Will a dream come true?

”Is the time really coming when a dream comes true?” I guess everyone has had this question in one’s life.


I want to believe but often become doubtful. However, if I can keep going forward to the set goal even with a sense of non-confidentiality or insecurity in myself, I may be able to make my dream come true, I think.


Therefore, what I think most vital is to have a strong will of ”never give up!” in a path towards the goal.


Even if I cannot eventually realize my dream in my life, I might not have pity on myself at the last moment of my life.


At least, I could say that l wouldn’t have spared my time for my endeavors.


I don’t know yet if I could reach my goal. What I say clearly now is that I will never give up to pursue the path I once set up for myself.


Having considered in this way, my effort might be more critical than the question of whether my dream will come true or not.


God of Justice and God of Power / 正義の神様と力の神様

Today, I learned a message from my mentor Rev. K. Niwano about the match between God of Justice and God of Power.


It’s a simple and inspiring message. I want to share with you.


Which God do you think won?


God of Power defeated God of Justice. Because The former knows how to yield to others what he or she has, and the latter doesn’t.


The profound meaning seems to be at the very bottom of this anecdote. If I simply interpret it, justice tends to be rigid or small, whereas power is flexible.


Of course, it’s just an anecdote and doesn’t represent righteousness. However, everyone might be able to catch the core message.


If we stand too strictly on justice, we live our lives almost all the time with minds and hearts of ” I should do or be, and you should do or be.” it would lead us to the suffocating, and less tolerant life.


Of course justice is the one of the ultimate foundation of our lives and the world. But we need to learn from the anecdote the appropriate and flexible standing points on justice, I believe.

もちろん、正義は私たちの人生並びに世界にとって最も究極的な基盤の一つです。しかし、私たちはこの逸話から、適切かつ柔軟に正義に立脚することを学ぶ必要があると 私は思います。

Not to settle for the status quo / 現状に甘んじない

If we are to address challenges for the common good, we should not settle for the status quo. We need the courage to get out of the environment we are now in.


There is no progress where there is no challenge of breaking through the status quo.


Then, how can I apply this message to my way of living? Am I settling for the present environment or situation or trying to make progress?


It’s easier said than done. Being content with the present situation doesn’t require me the additional effort. My life may accordingly become less risky and stable, and may become more indifferent to the outside world of my sphere.


if each one of us chooses to make small progress instead of staying safely in the status quo, the whole of humanity will steadily progress to more peaceful and harmonious coexistence.


Let us take a bit more risk to get out of the status quo, and make efforts for realizing the healthy world for all where no one left behind.


My life’s chronicles / 自分年表史

It’s significant to make chronicles of one’s life for reviewing the turning points.


I believe that every person has some turning points on which one’s life was changed or redirected to the next stage.


Some are big and others are small. In my case, I’ve had several turning points.


To mention a few, l visited Ethiopia in my late 20th, worked at UNHCR in the early 30th, worked at refugee camps in several countries and regions in the mid to late 30th, served at two dharma centers in the mid 40th to mid 50th, and started a graduate course in the mid 50th.


These experiences were the turning points in my life. I started to paying attention to the third world, got involved in the refugee problems, and started my academic research activities.


While looking at my life Chronicles, I truly feel that life is full of wonders. I couldn’t foresee the flow of my life at all. What I am now is the accumulation of my past living. Therefore what I will be maybe critically affected by the coming turning points.


I want to live without being afraid of a turning point.


Spare time / 隙間時間

How to make the most use of spare time?  It is a critical question.


Every person is equally given 24hours a day.  No matter how we endeavor, we cannot make it longer or shorter.  The total equity exists in time.  Regardless of all the differences among humanity, every human being can have 24 hours a day.


However, the flow or density of time differs in each person at each moment.  I feel whenever I concentrate on something, the time passes very fast, whereas time passes very slowly when I am bored.


How should we use the equally given time to us in our only one time human life?  Whether we are wasting time or making the most use of time truly affects our whole social life.


I often complain that I have not enough time to do my work and research, but I notice that I can create spare time if I truly intend to do and concentrate on using it. Those who have achieved or succeeded in what they set up as a goal or objective make the most use of their spare time, I suppose.


I will follow their way of managing time.



Contextual view / 文脈的見方

It’s critical to grasp the context for a right judgment in the involvement at the best timing, I believe.


What is necessary to grasp the context objectively? I think we need to have enough background information such as who the stakeholders are, what my expected role is, what the projected outcome, and so on.


If I have only a shortsighted view, I may not be able to make a proper decision. On the contrary, if I have a long term view, I may be able to judge properly.


When I wonder whether my judgment is appropriate or not, I need to examine my level of grasping the context. It also applies to the cases that I am asked to provide the advice.


I try my best to view and grasp each context in my work.


Positive thinking / プラス思考

IMG_3404Everyone knows that positive thinking is far better than negative thinking. However, we tend to think negatively in our daily life.


Whenever I have anxiety and a sense of insecurity about something, I immediately fall into negative thinking. It’s a sort of vicious circle.


It may be impossible for anyone never to have negative thinking but we can reduce the time to be trapped in it. But how can we do?


Do we have a magic bullet? What enables us to be free from anxiety or insecurity?


It’s a difficult question. But if I have an ultimate source of security, I could ease my anxiety and insecurity, I suppose.  For me, the ultimate source of security is “Something Great” which exists beyond human knowledge and intelligence.  Some call it “Creator” or “ALL Mighty God”, and others like us call it “Buddha”.


”Everything is a gift from God.” ”Everything is an arrangement by Buddha for attaining Buddhahood.”  These seem for me the foundation of “Positive thinking”.  Through daily prayer and meditation which are the communication with God and Buddha, we could reduce the anxiety, and may keep positive thinking by feeling the mercifulness and compassion of God and Buddha.


Today, the positive and negative thinking visits me ceaselessly, I confess.




How to convey a message / いかにメッセージを伝えるか


How to convey a message in the speech is a crucial point.  What and how I speak, namely the contents, tone of voice, facial expression, body language, and so forth.


In the Japanese tradition, there is a concept of “the spirit of the word.” The word has a spirit or spiritual power.  If I place my mind and heart in my words of the speech, the inspiration may overflow from it.


Also, if I put my passion and positive message in my talk,  it will accordingly generate my body language, I think.


Therefore, I try to avoid to read a prepared manuscript, which may kill the spiritual power of the words.


Another point which I think is vital is to speak to the people who listen to my speech with nodding.  I don’s see snoozers. The speech looks like a one-way communication but is a reciprocal one.  The speaker speaks with words, body language, and sign language, whereas listeners respond to the speaker with body language.


I want to follow how great speakers convey their messages in their speeches.
